After nine months of being told that we cannot participate in one ritual after another, it is no wonder that some of you may be feeling pandemic burnout. We have entered the holiday season, and the CDC has issued some best practices for celebrating the holidays. The CDC's recommendations encourage everyone to celebrate the holidays in a fashion, unlike any tradition that I have ever seen. I am ok with this, but I am sure this has ruffled a few turkey feathers for others.

Unfortunately, the pandemic is still very much with us, which is why the CDC has posted these recommendations. However, if you are struggling with the thoughts of not having those old ways of celebrating, I challenge you to:

Get still and quiet for a moment.
Then, ask yourself, why is it so bothersome to me? Is it fear? If so, what is the fear? Is it anger? If so, what is the source of the anger? If it is anger, chances are there is still some underlying fear.
Now ask yourself, what is a different way to think about this? Can I reframe this fear, anger, or whatever it is for you? Can I shift my mindset to one of gratitude?
Finally, create a new internal dialogue for yourself, find some creative and safe ways to celebrate this holiday season.
I have a couple of ideas to help you celebrate the holidays with family and friends creatively and safely:

Plan ahead-Create, a plan specific to you, do not feel pressured to celebrate traditionally. But if you are planning to have friends and family over, have everyone get tested before. Also, consider asking everyone to quarantine a few days before the big day. If you live in a warm climate, host the meal outdoors.
Stay connected with friends and family-prepare meals together virtually, share recipes, and show the finished product. Find ways to honor those that are no longer with you.
Host a virtual meal-do a drive through celebration, schedule a time to share a meal virtually, take food to those that are immune-compromised
Find the good & focus on gratitude-celebrate, decorate, and create moments to laugh and play; host game night, movie night, create a smores bar, popcorn bar, or hot cocoa bar.
Create new traditions, create some healthy competitions, volunteer, or donate.
Whatever you decide to do, be safe, and have fun. If we double down a little while longer, this pandemic will be over, and we can begin to spend quality time together again.
As always,
Stay Well, Be Empowered, Live Boldly and Fully!!
Dr. Terra!!